5 Free Indicators for metatrader4
Carefully selected only best indicators that you may use to increase your trading profit /Karl Dittmann/
Please email me - tell me what you think of this gift!


1. Trix Indicator (can be used for buy/sell and sideways trend detection!)
Buy/Sell on lines cross. When the lines are too close - no trades! - It's a sideways trend..

Download Trix Indicator ( EX4 ) right click SAVE AS...


2. Tick Volume Indicator

Usage: very useful and precise proxy for change in price direction, especially in periods of high volatility in short timeframes: Buy/Sell on a color change!

Download TVI Indicator ( EX4 ) right click SAVE AS...



3. Trend Lines Indicator

The indicator that draws a LASER accurate trend lines on your charts!
Timeframes M30 to 4H

The indicator that draws a LASER accurate trend lines on your charts!
Timeframes M30 to 4H

Download Trend Lines Indicator ( EX4 ) right click SAVE AS...


4. Overtrend Indicator
Shows "trend in colors"
Strong red - strong down trend
Light Red - light down trend ( reversal possible!)

Strong blue - strong up trend
Light blue - light up trend ( reversal possible!)

Download Overtrend Indicator ( EX4 ) right click SAVE AS...


5. Support Resistance Indicator v2
New version shows major Sup/res + previous Sup/res levels
The Suport Resistance indicators can be used for trading with breakout Strategies. Also it is very useful for setting up Stop Loss and Take Profit levels for your trades

Download Sup-Res Indicator ( EX4 ) right click SAVE AS...


How to install:
you can download indicator ex4 file to your computer.
Step By Step installation for MT4
1) Copy the ex4 file. Do this by right clicking on the file and clicking “copy”
Paste/Save the ex4 file into your C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\experts\indicators folder
2) Close your MetaTrader application (assuming it's currently open ... Ignore this if the application hasn't been launched)
3) Launch your MetaTrader application
4) On the left hand side, look for the "Navigator" window
5) Under the "Common" tab, look into the "Custom Indicators" directory
6) Locate the indicator which you have just downloaded into the folder stated in Step 1
7) Drag (Click and drag) the indicator onto the chart
8) done

Thank you! Please email me - tell me what you think of this gift!

Warmest regards
Karl Dittmann


Sources: Indicators can be found for free on some open Forex sources.